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  • Noir City Hollywood: James Elroy, The Black Dahlia (1987: film, 2006)

    Freitag, 03.03.2017 - 18:45 Uhr

Noir City Hollywood: James Elroy, The Black Dahlia (1987: film, 2006)

Join Scott Stelle in a lively, spirited exploration of crime fiction and the border between popular literature and film. Most film noir
masterpieces are translations of hardboiled detective stories and thrillers. While the psychological realism of the American
hard-boiled detective story provides the same kind of vicarious experience that drives tabloid sales and the yellow press in
general, feeding the unspoken hunger for sensationalism, it often contains a political subtext that exposes the dark underbelly
of American society. This quarter our dissection of crime fiction moves from classic noir to neo-noir.

In English

Location: d.a.i. conference room

Admission: free for members, donations welcome


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